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Accolade Wines
Photography, Social Media Management
Accolade Wines came to DAf with its line of carbon-neutral wines in 95.1% recycled packaging and 100% post-consumer recycled glass called Wise Wolf. They asked us for a new take on the topic, while avoiding generic sustainability visuals.
Using recycled items in their purest and most beautiful form, paper becomes a bed of confetti and broken glass, a glistening crystalline backdrop. We used stop motion to create video content, where each of the three bottles emerges from below, and also created casual lifestyle photography that harmonizes with the elevated visuals of depicting recycling in a more premium way.
Applying creative thinking turns a known message into something new.
Ö-61 Wines
Los Navegantes 1955 Santiago, Chile.
Roger de Llúria 44 Barcelona, España.